Successful Re-launch of the 5Ws of Cybersecurity Training

61 participants joined us for the 5Ws of Cybersecurity training conducted in February. This was the first time we held in-class training since the outbreak of COVID-19 and the response in the two sessions was terrific.  


About half of the participants were students from various Nairobi-based universities (one person even came from Laikipia University) while the remainder work at companies, civil society organizations, and government. Organizations represented at the training include: Cloud Factory Kenya Limited, Compassion International, Harnssen Group Ltd, Huwaei Kenya, Khusoko, Live, Love & Lough Foundation, MA Law Africa, Ministry of ICT, Sauti East Africa, SheHacksKE, Soko Directory, and Youth Governance in Action.

The training took place at the American Space at Moi University in Nairobi and is funded by the U.S. Embassy Nairobi.